Broadcast and Non-Broadcast Media Agreements
The AFM's Canadian Electronic Media Services Division (EMSD) administers recording contracts negotiated between the AFM or CFM and production companies. These recording contracts cover the whole communications spectrum including broadcast and non-broadcast media. The major types of agreements are for Records/CDs, Motion Pictures, Television Films, TV Variety Programs, TV and Radio Commercial Announcements, Radio, Non-broadcast Industrial Films, DVDs, and Interactive Media.
General Agreement for Commercial Announcements (Canada)
Working on a jingle? CFM will work with you to get the best wages and benefits. CFM negotiates and administers the Canadian TV & Radio Commercial Announcements Agreement to represent musicians who are responsible for the music in jingles. The administrator works with a wide range of creative advertising agencies to implement the agreement.
When a Canadian AFM musician is engaged to record music for a commercial jingle, they will be paid, at a minimum, a negotiated scale wage with pension contributions.
When an original recording is incorporated into commercial jingles, the musicians who originally performed the work are paid a "new-use" fee equivalent to the one-hour minimum call session fee, as well as pension that would have been paid if the musicians had come into the studio to record music for commercial jingles. This "new-use" payment applies for all types of original recorded music, including but not limited to phonograph records, CDs, film scores and TV themes.
General Agreement for Commercial Announcements (Canada) - English
General Agreement for Commercial Announcements (Canada) - French
2015-2024 General Agreement for Commercial Announcements Extension Letter
Commercial Annoucement Letter of Adherence
Commercial Annoucements Contract (B6)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) General Productions
The Canadian Federation of Musicians is certified under federal Status of the Artist legislation as the only bargaining representative of ALL musicians in Canada, and is therefore the singular entity with which the CBC deals with when contracting musicians.
General Production Agreement (CBC)
Production Agreement Extension (CBC)
Letter of Agreement: Variety Programmes in Quebec
Letter of Agreement: Variety Programmes in Quebec (French version)
Temporary Membership Permit Form
National Film Board
TVO (Ontario Educational Communications Authority)
CFM negotiates and administers the Ontario Educational Communications Authority Agreement to represent musicians who are engaged for musical services by the Ontario Educational Communications Authority, or TVO. When a musician is engaged to record music for the Ontario Educational Communications Authority or TVO, they will be paid, at a minimum, a negotiated scale wage with pension contributions.
Motion Picture/TV Film
The Theatrical Motion Picture and Television Film Agreements set forth the minimum wage scales and working conditions for recording, sideline, music preparation and production musicians in various film categories. These programs include dramatic, non-dramatic, episodic and made for television movies as well as theatrical motion pictures. It is obligatory that before any work is performed, other than with an engager who is a signatory to the agreement, there is a letter of adherence in place with the responsible party and that properly completed B-7 report forms covering your participation on the recording sessions are filed with the appropriate AFM Local. You may be attached to other payments such as Secondary Markets Fund or soundtrack album new use.
Most small Locals will experience sideline (on-camera) work in their jurisdiction more so than underscoring. In some cases the sideline musician may also be recorded. In either instance, appropriate compensation is always due.
Recording Musicians Wage Scale
Canadian Content Production Rules (CCPR)
CFM negotiates and administers the Canadian Content Production Rules to represent musicians who are engaged to record music for Canadian productions. To be eligible, a production must qualify as Canadian pursuant to the CRTC Canadian Content Regulations, or must have achieved or applied for CAVCO Certification. When an AFM musician is engaged to record music for a Canadian production, they will be paid, at a minimum, a negotiated scale wage with pension contributions.
It is obligatory that before any work is performed there is an eligibility application and a letter of adherence in place with the responsible party and that properly completed B7 forms covering your participation on the recording sessions are filed with the appropriate Canadian AFM Local.
Canadian Content Production Rules (CCPR) Agreement
Personal Service Contract (B7)
CCPR Temporary Membership Permit
Industrial Film
Industrial Film Agreement (Non-Theatrical/Non-Television)
Industrial Film Letter of Adherence
Personal Service Contract (B7)
Canadian Digital Specialty Channels
CFM negotiates and administers agreements for the Canadian Digital Specialty Channels to represent musicians who are engaged to provide musical services for Canadian productions intended for initial broadcast on Canadian pay cable networks, also known as Specialty Channels. When an AFM Canadian musician is engaged to record music for a Canadian Digital Specialty Channel, they will be paid, at a minimum, a scale wage with pension contributions.
Canadian Streaming Agreement:
Single Project Letter of Acceptance and Side Letter for New Media Productions
Personal Service Contract (B7)
Musicians' Performance Trust Fund Streaming Agreement:
Personal Service Contract (B7)
Demo DVD
The CFM negotiates and administers the Demo DVD Agreement to represent musicians who wish to create a Demo DVD Recording. When an AFM Canadian musician is engaged to record music for a Demo DVD Recording, they will be paid, at a minimum, a negotiated scale wage with pension contributions.
Limited DVD
The CFM negotiates and administers the Limited Edition DVD Agreement on behalf of musicians who wish to record a DVD with a print run of 150 copies or less. When an AFM Canadian musician is hired to record a limited edition DVD, he or she will be paid, at a minimum, according to a negotiated scale including pension contributions.
Concert DVD
The CFM negotiates and administers the Live Concert Recording Agreement to represent musicians who wish to videotape a live concert presentation of an indie artist or band which is intended for digital distribution by cable, satellite or internet in Canada for its initial window of distribution. When an AFM musician is videotaped during a live concert presentation, he or she will be paid a live engagement fee along with a step-up for the audio/visual, plus pension.
Concert DVD Letter of Adherence
Sound Recordings
The AFM and CFM work to protect your wages and subsequent compensation through the Sound Recording Labour Agreement (formerly known as the Phonograph Record Labour Agreement) which sets forth the minimum wage scales and working conditions for musicians (including music preparation members) who perform services for the various types of audio recordings - in recording studios as well as live (compact discs, audiocassettes, etc.) - released for sale on the commercial market. It is obligatory to see to it that before any work is performed, other than with an engager who is a signatory to the agreement, that there is a letter of adherence in place with the responsible party and that properly completed AFM B-4 Report Forms covering your participation on recording sessions are filed with the AFM Local having jurisdiction over the sessions. This will ensure your sharing in the proceeds from the Sound Recording Special Payments Fund, and that you will receive "new use" payments if your product is utilized in another medium requiring such "new use" payment (i.e. use of a sound recording in a theatrical motion picture, TV film, commercial announcement, etc.).
Sound Recording Labour Agreement - Summary Chart
SRLA Letter of Adherence - Single Project Short Form
Limited Pressing Sound Recording
The CFM negotiates and administers the Limited Pressing Sound Recording Agreement to represent musicians who perform services for the various types of audio recordings released for sale on the commercial market. Only a limited number of units of the product may be created and sold under this agreement; 3,000 physical audio units, or 2,000 audiovisual units may be manufactured, or 10,000 individual digital downloaded tracks sold. If a producer subsequently wishes to manufacture or sell additional copies they are required to pay the musicians the difference between the original payment and the applicable fee contained in the current Sound Recording Labour Agreement. When an AFM Canadian musician is engaged to record music under the Limited Pressing Agreement, they will be paid, at a minimum, a negotiated scale wage with pension contributions.
Limited Pressings and Digital Distribution Agreement
Single Song Overdub
Joint Venture Recording and Video
Audio Visual Agreement - Limited Distribution