U.S. Work Permits
Jump to: P1, P3 and O Work Permits
The application package may be sent to the office by courier or priority-post, or dropped off in person. All paperwork is carefully reviewed during the process of preparing the formal P2 petition on the artist’s behalf.
The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) is recognized by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) as an authorized petitioner for P2 work permits on behalf of AFM members, and their support personnel.
While the AFM provides consulting services to all musicians, the P2 Work Permit is a member-specific service.
The P2 Work Permit
For most musical work in the United States, musicians require a Classification P2 Work Permit, or other non-immigrant permit. Also see—B1 Business class Visitor Visa, below.
Processing Times and US Immigration Fees
For Regular Processing it is recommended to submit your P2 package 3 - 10 months, plus up to 5 business days for AFM review and processing. There is a backlog at one of the USCIS processing centers. Provide a $510 USD money order, payable to "Department of Homeland Security".
For Premium Processing it is recommended you submit your P2 package 30 days prior to your first gig. Provide 2 separate money orders in the amount of $510 USD, the other $2,805 USD, both payable to "Department of Homeland Security.
AFM Administrative Fee
Regular Processing is $125 CAD for the first person, plus $25 CAD for each additional musicians/technicians.
Premium Processing is $150 CAD for the first musician plus $25 CAD for each musicians/technicians.
When changing processing type from Regular Processing to Premium Processing a Change fee of $25 CAD is required.
The P2 Replacement Letter fee is $50 CAD.
For more details please email Liana White lwhite@afm.org with questions on the Department of Homeland Security fee.
NOTE: AFM does not have control over the decisions U.S. Immigration makes on their processing times. Therefore, USCIS processing times may increase/decrease at any time, without notice. The AFM’s suggested processing timelines are based on weekly observance of the average turnaround time from submission of application to receipt of approval. You may contact our office to confirm times haven't drastically changed.
Forms and Instructions
We suggest DOWNLOADING/SAVING files below to your hard drive BEFORE filling them out.
P2 - Instructions for Completing a P2 Application
P2 - Application Form (Parts 1 - 4)
P2 - Part 6 (Single Performer)
P2 - Part 6 (2 or More Performers)
P2 - Tour Itinerary (Only Necessary When Performing at Multiple Venues)
P2 - Travel Engagement Contract (T2C FORM)
P2 – Permanent Resident Visa Process
P2 - Replacement Musician Application
P2 - After your P2 is Approved
If you are not yet an AFM member, or if you just joined AFM specifically to obtain a P2, please contact Cathy Lee at cathylee@afm.org for additional information.
If you are an existing AFM member, please contact the P2 Department at immigration@afm.org, or by phone to Ari Vangeest at 416 391-5161 (toll free: 1 800 463-6333) ext. 234 or Sean Henderson ext. 222.
B1 Business Class Visitor Visa
Canadians invited to the United States for showcases and conferences may qualify for a Business Visitor Visa (B-1 Visa).
For assistance in this determining B1 visa eligibility and/or to submit your application please contact:
Ari Vangeest—avangeest@afm.org, or Susan Whitfield—swhitfield@afm.org, 416-391-5161 or toll free: 1 (800) 463-6333 ext. 234 or 223.
Download the B1 (Showcase) Application Packet
Processing Time at least 5 business days prior to entry date.
The Administration fee for B1 Letter of Support is $50 CAD.
P1, P3 and O Visa Applications
Musicians from Canada and abroad applying for union consultation for P1, P3 and, O1 permits must contact the AFM’s New York Office: George Fiddler–gfiddler@afm.org,or Mike Epperhart–meppenhart@afm.org, 1 800 762 3444 ext. 231 or 230.
U.S. Work Permits for Canadian Musicians
Crossing the Border with Musical Instruments and Gear
Musicians crossing the border with instruments and gear are encouraged to apply for an ATA Carnet, a document which enables professionals to bring the tools of their trade across borders easily and without hassle, duties or border fees. Learn more about ATA Carnets from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce: Canadian Chamber of Commerce - About the ATA Carnet or Information on US Customs and Border Protection.
In the absence of a Carnet, please prepare a manifest (list) of all instruments and gear, including serial numbers and make/model of instruments. If your instrument was purchased outside of Canada, bring the original bill of sale or include the following information on the manifest: the city, state/province, and country where the instrument was purchased. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Medical Travel Insurance
The CFM offers Emergency Medical Travel Insurance at preferred rates through our Discount Savings Program with Union Savings/RBC and CanAm/HUB International Insurance exclusive to members and their families. Please contact us at cathylee@afm.org for more information.
Guide and Tips for AFM Musicians Traveling with their Instruments
Click here for AFM Flying Guide in Canada, prepared by American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada to help musicians with air travel logistics, including a review of passenger rights, what to consider before purchasing your ticket, packing and caring for instruments, and problem solving.
Click links below for baggage/special items information for major Canadian airlines:
Air Canada - Musical Instruments
Bearskin Airlines - Baggage Policy
The TSA Letter and Letter of Explanation
Baggage info for all major airlines
For more information, contact:
George Fiddler-gfiddler@afm.org or Mike Epperhart–mepperhart@afm.org Toll Free: 1 800 762-3444, ext. 231 or 230Fax: 212 764-4974