Local Contacts


Alberta    British Columbia    Manitoba    New Brunswick    Newfoundland

Nova Scotia    Ontario     Quebec    Saskatchewan   Non-jurisdictional



Calgary Musicians' Association - Local 547

506 -  4th St. SW., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 1S7

Phone 587 437-8439  Web Email


Edmonton Musicians' Association -  Local 390

Mailing address: P.O. Box 344, Station Main, Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 2J6

Phone 780 422-2449 Fax 780 423-4212 Web Email




Vancouver Musicians' Association - Local 145

925 West 8th Avenue, Suite #100, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 1E4

Phone 604 737-1110 Fax 604 734-3299 Web Email


Island Musicians Association  - Local 247  

550 - 2950 Douglas St., Victoria, British Columbia, V8T 4N4

Phone 250 385-3954 Fax 250 480-1518 Web Email


Music Professionals of Manitoba Inc.  - Local 190

208-383 Provencher Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2H 0G9   

Phone 204 943-4803 Fax 204 943-5029 Web Email



New Brunswick Musicians' Association  - Local 815

89 Canterbury Street, Suite 206, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2L 2C7

Phone 506 652-6620 Fax 506 652-6624 Web Email




Newfoundland and Labrador Musicians' Association  - Local 820

26 Prince of Wales Street, St. John's, NL, A1C 4M9

Phone 709 722-8005   Web Email




Atlantic Federation of Musicians  - Local 571

16 Balcomes Dr., Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3N 1H9

Phone 902-479-3200 / 1-866-240-4809 Fax 902-479-1312 Web Email



Brantford Musicians' Association - Local 467

101 Chatham Street, Brantford, Ontario, N3T 2P3

Phone 519 752-7973 Fax 519 752-7973 Web Email


Upper Canada Musicians' Association - Local 384

P.O. Box 398, Brockville, Ontario, K6V 5V6

Phone 613 342-5181 Fax 613 342-7377 Web Email


Central Ontario Musicians' Association  - Local 226

68 Kent Avenue, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 3R1

Phone 519 744-4891 Fax 519 744-2279 Web Email


Hamilton Musicians' Guild - Local 293

20 Hughson Street South, Suite #306, Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 2A1

Phone 905 525-4040  Fax 905 525-4047 Web Email

Kingston Musicians' Union - Local 518

1326 Channelview Rd., Kingston, Ontario, K7L 4V1

Phone 613 542-3732  Web Email


London Musicians' Association - Local 279

107 Duchess Ave., London, Ontario, N6C 1N7

Phone 519 685-2540 Fax 519 685-2690 Web Email

Musicians' Association of Ottawa-Gatineau - Local 180

280 Metcalfe St., Suite 301, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1R7

Phone 613-235-3253 or 613-567-0560 Fax613 235-3383 Web Email


Niagara Region Musicians' Association - Local 298

8234 Lamont Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2G 6V8

Phone 289 273-2136 Fax 905 684-6255 Web Email


Sault Ste. Marie Musicians' Association - Local 276

451 Queen Street East, Suite #216, Sault Ste.Marie, Ontario

Mailing address: P.O. Box 641, Station Main, Sault Ste.Marie, Ontario, P6A 5N2

Phone 705 254-2210 Fax 705 253-2140 Web Email


Stratford Musicians' Association - Local 418

88 Kenner Crescent, Stratford Ontario, N5A 7H2

Phone 226 661-1187 Fax 226 661-1187 Web 


Thunder Bay Musicians' Association - Local 591

1111 East Victoria Avenue, Unit #105, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7C 1B7

Phone 807 622-1062 Fax 807 622-3961 Web Email


Toronto Musicians' Association - Local 149

2 Sousa Mendes St., Toronto, Ontario, M6P 0A8

Phone 416 421-1020 Fax 416 421-7011 Web Email


Windsor Federation of Musicians - Local 566

2109 Ottawa Street, #214, Windsor, Ontario, N8Y 1R8

Phone 519 258-2288 Fax 519 258-9041  Email 



La Guilde des Musicien(ne)s du Québec - Montréal Office - Local 406

5445 Avenue De Gaspé, bureau 1005, Montréal, Québec, H2T 3B2

Phone 514 842-2866 |Toll Free (Québec Only) 1-800-363-6688  Web Email

La Guilde des Musicien(ne)s du Québec - Québec City Office - Local 406

520 rue De Saint-Vallier Est, Québec City, Québec, G1K 9G4

Phone 418 523-0767  Fax 418 523-8700 Web Email



Regina Musicians' Association - Local 446

2835 13th Avenue, Suite G, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4T 1N6

Phone 306 352-1337 Fax 306 359-6558 Web Email


Saskatoon Musicians' Association - Local 553

2710 Ferguson Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7J 1N9

Phone 306 477-2506   Email




The Travelling Musicians' Union - Local 1000

1501 Broadway, 9th floor, New York, NY 10036 USA

212 843-8726     


Organization of Canadian Symphony Musicians (OCSM / OMOSC)

Web    President: Robert Fraser





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