CLC Hosting CERB Webinar April 22
The Canadian Labour Congress will be hosting a live webinar and Q&A on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EST, to discuss changes to the EI benefit, and the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit. The webinar will be hosted by CLC Secretary-Treasurer Marie Clarke Walker, and guests Senior Economist Chris Roberts and EI Commissioner for Workers, Pierre Laliberté.
TMA Local 149 Executive Director Michael Murray has submitted questions to be considered by the panel, feel free to submit your own, through the registration link: HERE.
An Invitation from Marie Clarke Walker:
"Every day, workers hear new information about the pandemic and how it will impact their jobs. As COVID-19 changes the way we work, workers need to know their rights and benefits available to them.
There are options and we’re here to help.
As secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress, we’ve heard thousands of stories from workers who are concerned, uncertain and looking for answers.
Our live Q&A with CLC’s Senior Economist Chris Roberts and EI Commissioner for Workers, Pierre Laliberté will support the decisions you make.
I hope to see you live on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 1:00 p.m. EST.
Register here:
These webinars are part of a series to help and guide workers in these difficult times. We look forward to answering your questions.
In solidarity,
Marie Clarke Walker
Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Labour Congress
Standing up for workers and their families"