Artisti ready to step-up for MROC performers as their society considers winding-down
MROC announced that on May 7th, 2024, it will hold an Annual General and Special meeting where its members will consider and vote on a proposal to wind down their society. In the course of this wind-down, MROC is arranging for the transfer to ARTISTI of all active MROC mandates as of December 31, 2024.
The likelihood of MROC ceasing its activities is sad news for those involved in Canadian collective management of performers’ rights. Conscious of how unsettling this news is for MROC’s performers, Artisti and MROC are committed to ensuring that the transfer of their mandates is seamless and that their rights and royalties are preserved.
Why Artisti?
One of the main reasons MROC has chosen Artisti for the transfer, is because both societies share the same IT system model and IT provider. This will allow both organisations to work on a bulk transfer of repertoire, payment data, and performer information with minimal intervention on the part of the performers or their representative.
What are the next steps?
Artisti will hold an information session:
in English on Thursday, May 2nd between 12 and 1 pm and
in French on Friday, May 3rd between 12 and 1 pm
for all performers interested to know more about this transition. Please send your name to mnarcis@artisti.ca if you would like to register for one of these sessions.
On May 7th, MROC will hold its Annual General and Special meeting.
After the wind-down is confirmed by MROC’s members, both MROC and Artisti will communicate to all performers affected by the wind-down, to inform them of the next steps leading to the transfer of their mandate.
Should you need more information, we invite you to check the FAQ on MROC website here:
You can also reach us at info@artisti.ca, or call us at 514-288-7150 ext 1222.