CFM urges all musicians to show strong united front to Government of Canada and Heritage Canada and send UNIFIED MESSAGE…
May 16, 2016
As posted on our CFM Facebook page last week, the Government of Canada/Heritage Canada announced a complete review of arts and culture. While the premise of this is to bring Canadian Content in a Digital World up to date, it also puts everything else on the table for review as well. CFM is calling all musicians to take the pre consultation questionnaire provided below. While we do not want to influence your opinion, CFM strongly believes that musicians and creators need to get the message across, that while we applaud the increase in funding for the arts, the Government of Canada needs to protect the creators by ensuring fair compensation, including pension, as well as developing an accountability process for the organizations that handle the funds. There should be assurances that musicians get funding (not just the employers and producers), as well as benefits such as pension. After all, government workers receive a pension for their work. So should artists and creators. To make our point, you may have to use the other section and add your own comments, as the survey is very tailored to industry providers, and not creators – and within that section we would also recommend posing the following statement/question: "Status of the Artist Legislation was not mentioned within the pre-consultation document, however, Status of the Artist legislation can play an integral role to ensure Canadian artists receive fair compensation when their work is distributed by both domestic and international media companies.”
Let's join together to create a strong voice, without your participation only the content providers will have a voice. The questionnaire is only available online (link Below) until May 20th 2016. http://pch.sondages-surveys.ca/s/dwc/langeng/
LIANA WHITE, Executive Director
www.cfmusicians.org // www.afm.org
For more information please visit us at www.cfmusicians.org | CFM on Twitter|CFM on Facebook.