CFM Supports IATSE Local 63 Protest Against MTS Centre
March 28, 2014
Click here for a pdf version of the press release
For Immediate Release, March 28, 2014 – Canadian Federation of Musicians (CFM), Canada’s professional organization representing Canadian musicians, is adding its voice in support of IATSE LOCAL 63’s ongoing efforts to reach an agreement with Winnipeg’s MTS Centre over the use of non-union employees. Local 63 is planning an informational picket for the Juno Awards Red Carpet Event at the MTS Centre on March 30. The CFM is asking all members to participate in a social media campaign to get the support of the musicians who are either performing, nominated, or being honoured with special awards.
“There is a long history of broken promises between the MTS Centre and IATSE,” says Alan Willaert, AFM Vice President from Canada. “On a night when all eyes are on the Canadian music industry, we want to take the opportunity to let the details of the disagreement be heard in the court of public opinion.”
Despite negotiating for close to 23 months before the opening of the MTS Centre in 2004, Local 63 was informed by management that they had decided to go with out-of-province temp firm NASCO, which charges union rates but pays low-wage rates to its employees in order to make larger profits. In addition, the MTS Centre refused Local 63’s offer to match, word-for-word, the rates and conditions being offered by NASCO.
CFM issued a notice to its membership this week, urging them to assist the initiative by sharing/ posting/tweeting their support via the IATSE Canadian Facebook page (facebook.com/iatsecanada) and Twitter feed (twitter.com/iatsecanada) and/or joining the picket line this Sunday.
Building on AFM Canada’s long and successful legacy, CFM will continue furthering the particular interests and needs of professional musicians who earn their living in this country. Everyday CFM helps thousands of musicians with any number of issues related to the recording and performing of their craft. The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada draws on the experience and strength of more than 90,000 musicians, with over 17,000 active members in Canada alone. Proudly celebrating 32 remarkable years of service, CFM is uniquely positioned to address Canadian issues, and provides vital resources for Canadian musicians, at any stage in their careers. For more information please visit us at www.cfmusicians.org | CFM on Twitter | CFM on Facebook
MEDIA CONTACT, IATSE Local 63, Winnipeg, MB:
Barny Haines, International Representative
T: 1-204-943-4634 | E: BHaines@iatse.net
MEDIA CONTACT, Canadian Federation of Musicians:
Victoria Lord, VLPR Inc.
T: 1-416-484-9047 | E: victoria@vlpr.com