CFM and ACTRA Form Strategic Alliance
For Immediate Release - Toronto, November 2, 2011 –
Canadian Federation of Musicians (CFM) and ACTRA have formalized a strategic alliance that provides new opportunities for mutual support on issues of common interest, and promotes solidarity and greater unity of purpose between the two labour unions.
“This new step in our relationship will provide even more opportunities for cooperation while respecting the autonomy and jurisdiction of both unions,” said Bill Skolnik, AFM Vice President from Canada & CFM Chief Executive Officer. Together, CFM and ACTRA will raise a collective voice on issues facing our members and the labour movement as a whole”.
CFM and ACTRA are both progressive unions mutually focussed on collective bargaining, organizing, member service and political action. The two organizations have worked together closely in a variety of ways. For example, for the past 10 years, ACTRA has provided contracted services to CFM and its assignees for the collection and distribution of remuneration to performers and musicians collected under the Copyright Act. The unions have also collaborated on public policy issues, both domestically with joint presentations to parliamentary committees and government agencies and internationally at the World Intellectual Property Organization.
“This alliance formalizes the long-standing and mutually-beneficial relationship that ACTRA and the CFM have had for more than 60 years,” said Ferne Downey, ACTRA’s National President. “Our members work side-by-side, and in many cases – are members of both of our unions. It only makes sense that we would strengthen our bond and work closely together to promote our mutual interests.”
Going forward, the two unions will work more closely together pooling resources and providing support to each other on issues of collective bargaining, organizing and public policy initiatives.
"This new alliance will make both unions stronger as we tackle the challenges of representing performers and musicians in the global digital business environment," adds Ray Hair, International President, American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada.
As a complementary, yet distinctly Canadian division of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada, CFM’s mandate supports the particular interests and needs of professional musicians who earn their living in this country. Proudly celebrating 31 remarkable years of service, CFM is uniquely positioned to address Canadian issues, and provides vital resources for Canadian musicians, at any stage in their careers. The American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada draws on the experience and strength of more than 90,000 musicians, with over 17,000 active members in Canada alone.
ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national organization of professional performers working in the English-language recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of 22,000 members across Canada – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community
MEDIA CONTACT: Victoria Lord, Office: 416-484-9047 / victoria@vlpr.com