Tuesday, June 8, 2010 -- The Ontario Labour Relations Board has granted the American Federation of Musicians, United States and Canada official status as a trade union in its ongoing representation of the professional musicians employed by the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra. The certification is the result of direct actions taken by AFM Canada executives who argued for trade union status under the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. AFM’s certification was supported by a unanimous member vote; and is notably the first time in AFM Canada’s history that the organization has been certified to represent the bargaining rights of a collective group.
“This is a precedent setting decision,” comments Bill Skolnik, the AFM Vice President from Canada. “We are hopeful this new designation will allow us to expand the level of support that we will be able to offer all professional musicians who earn their living in this country.”
An international professional association, AFM Canada has a long and successful history of furthering the particular interests and needs of professional musicians, with many of AFM Canada’s Locals achieving certification and/or having received voluntary recognition as trade unions within their respective territories.
AFM Canada is the leading professional organization of its kind available to Canadian musicians. Everyday, AFM Canada helps thousands of musicians with any number of issues related to the recording and performing of their craft. Operating in both official languages, the organization draws on the experience and strength of more than 90,000 musicians, with over 17,000 active members in Canada alone. Proudly celebrating 31 remarkable years of service, AFM Canada is uniquely positioned to address Canadian issues, and provides vital resources for Canadian musicians, at any stage in their careers.
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