AFM and AMPTP Reach Agreement
At 3 am on Friday morning, November 6, after five rounds of negotiations over the course of nearly nine months, the Federation and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) reached a tentative agreement on new Theatrical and Television Motion Picture Agreements that will run through February 2013.
The Agreements grant the Federation jurisdiction over productions made for New Media, significantly increase contribution rates into the Film Musicians Secondary Market Fund for traditional product exhibited in New Media, provide a new income stream when music is used in New Media other than in New Media productions, protect musicians’ health benefits at a time of increasing pressure on those benefits, and increase wages over the term of the Agreements. At the same time, we were able to resist successfully significant AMPTP efforts to undercut many longstanding protections contained in the Agreements. The details of the new Agreements will be sent to members eligible to vote in a ratification package within the coming weeks.