Resources for Locals
Black Lives Matter: The CFM participated in the #TheShowMustBePaused Music Industry Blackout Tuesday, and will continue to support the Black Lives Matter movement in whatever ways are possible. If you would like a list of anti-racist resources to read or share with your staff, members, colleagues, family, click: HERE. For a statement of support for Black Lives Matter from AFM International President Ray Hair, click: HERE.
AFM International President has issued a statement regarding the Black Lives Matter movement, for full text click: HERE
MPTF Music Family Scholarship: The Music Performance Trust Fund is now offering scholarships of up to $100,000 to children of AFM members (in US & Canada), click: HERE for more info.
International Representatives are the first line of help and assistance for Local Officers in all matters pertaining to day to day operations and governance issues in running a Local.
International Representatives assist Local Officers with onsite training, preparation of operating plans, budgeting, and compliance issues with respect to the AFM Bylaws and DOL regulations. International Reps also answer questions regarding Local bylaws, mergers, membership rosters, newsletters, general membership meetings, and elections. In Local matters which require assistance from other AFM and CFM departments, the International Representative will refer the Local Officer to the correct department to ensure that the assistance needed is offered.
International Representatives are each assigned a geographic territory of individual Locals with whom they maintain regular contact. Local Officers will maintain contact information for their Local’s International Representative and can request assistance when needed. Currently there are four International Representatives serving in the United States and one serving in Canada. The International Representatives make up the Field Services Division of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada. Their activities are coordinated through the office of the AFM Chief Operating Officer, who is based in the New York AFM office.
Canadian Conference: Every year locals join together to attend the Canadian Conference. Visit for more information: Canadian Conference Website.