Franchised Benefits
Guaranteed Payment
AFM will take legal action against an engager for contractual defaults at no legal expense to the member musician or licensed agent.
Guaranteed Commissions
If an agent is not paid commission (set rates of 15-20% - depending on type of engagement) by the musician, the agent may file a claim with the AFM for recovery through its internal process.
Use of AFM Contract Language
The language is registered and has been proven though the courts.
US Engagement Contracts
AFM will provide agents with contracts that are applicable to engagements played in the United States so they may book musicians at US venues.
US Temporary Work Permits
Agents can obtain assistance from AFM for members to work in the United States under a Class P-2 Temporary Work Permit. AFM can also assist in obtaining Work Permits for US members to work in Canada.
Access to AFM Website
Look-up and obtain contact information for AFM members and other AFM Licensed Agents, as well as obtain access to AFM agreements and contracts.
On-line Referrals & web hosting, GoProMusic.com
The Go-Pro website provides another area on the internet where agents can advertize their services, as well as post detailed information on the musicians they represent. After the initial set up, the agent has full access to the posting, providing them the ability to update their listing directly. Additionally, when AFM receives inquiries from buyers of musical performances the interested party is directed GoProMuisc.com. GoProHosting, offers both web development and annual webhosting packages at a preferred rate to AFM agents AND musicians. Please visit www.gopromusic.com and www.goprohosting.com or contact psharpe@afm.org for more information.
Agents can call Locals to get a list of available venues for bookings and lists of available musicians. AFM Members seeking agent representation will be referred to AFM Licensed agents ONLY.
Professional Musicians
Professional musicians who know the rules of conduct will be available to you.
Agent Directory
Agents will be listed in a directory which is provided to potential engagers and members.
Agents will receive newsletters on the industry, may also advertize in AFM Locals quarterly bulletins or the AFM’s monthly publication: International Musician.
For additional information, please telephone Liana White, Executive Director, at (416) 391-5161/1(800)463-6333 ext. 232; or email lwhite@afm.org